We report the experimental observation of alignment to orientation conversion in the 7D 3/2 and 9D 3/2 states of Cs in the presence of an external dc electric field, and without the influence of magnetic fields or atomic collisions. Initial alignment of angular momentum states was created by two-step excitation with linearly polarized laser radiation. The appearance of transverse orientation of angular momentum was confirmed by the observation of circularly polarized light. We present experimentally measured signals and compare them with the results of a detailed theoretical model based on the optical Bloch equations. 32.60.+i,32.80.Qk Atomic physics experiments are able to place sensitive limits on the permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of the electron because highly polarizable atoms can generate internal electric fields that are orders of magnitude higher than can be achieved for free particles [1,2]. Such limits on the electron EDM are of great interest to fundamental physics because a permanent EDM of a fundamental particle implies CP violation as long as the CPT theorem is assumed to hold. Such a CP violation would be a signature of new physics beyond the standard model [3]. The most sensitive upper limit to date on the electron EDM has been achieved by searching for a small precession around an external electric field of the angular momentum distribution of an ensemble of atoms [4]. Various sophisticated experimental techniques prevent angular momentum precession caused by mechanisms other than an EDM from contaminating the signal. One such phenomenon, known as alignment to orientation conversion (AOC), is known to deform the atomic and molecular angular momentum distributions under the influence of combined electric and magnetic fields or collisions. Moreover, it has been shown theoretically [5] that AOC can be induced by a purely electric field without the need for magnetic fields or collisions whenever the initial alignment is not exactly perpendicular or parallel to the external electric field. In this letter, we report the experimental observation of AOC in the presence of only an electric field. Our measured signals are described accurately by a detailed theoretical model, which could be of interest in studying potential backgrounds for electron EDM searches in atomic or molecular systems.Angular momentum alignment means that the population of atomic sublevels m J varies with |m J |, but +m J and −m J levels are populated equally. When the +m J and −m J levels are unequally populated, the ensemble is oriented. One can describe the anisotropic spatial distribution of angular momenta J in an ensemble by an atomic density matrix ρ [6]. An ensemble is described as * Electronic address: mauzins@latnet.lv aligned if the distribution of angular momenta contains a net electric quadrupole moment or oriented if there is a net magnetic dipole moment. Orientation can be classified as longitudinal or transverse, with reference to the symmetry axis. The breaking of the reflection symmetry of an initially a...