Sequential kriging avoids the use of matrices and resolves the issue of unstable solutions. It allows for stepwise ways to get joint estimations and cosimulations that are equivalent to the simultaneous solution. The approach is proposed as the solution for geocellular modeling with variable cell size from heterogeneous structural properties (HSPs) as required for modeling with structural constraints. Rock properties are controlled by structural domains, regions, and structural geology parameters. In some cases, rock properties are cross-correlated to formation thickness, curvature of structures, and other structural attributes. Cell thickness may be proportional to formation thickness and may enter as a conditioning property in the estimation of rock property parameters for simulation. In addition, cell volume controls the upscaling of covariance structures (i.e., regularized variograms). Structural properties are priorly modeled. Perturbation response functions (PRFs) are computed for each cell vs all possible sample point locations to facilitate sequential kriging. Upscaled PRFs are modified following conditional updating after each new data value is included in the estimation of parameters. Generalized sequential kriging is expected to become the main tool for realtime spatial modeling of 3D cellular models with HSP. In addition, some new developments related to the sequential kriging algorithm are included. Sequential kriging can be used for the estimation of parameters for simulation in the so-called unstructured grids.