Box-Cox transformation, expected income, Monte Carlo simulation, probability integral transformation, vector autoregressive model, wind energy | CASULA et AL. Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model for wind intensity and electric energy production as well as a normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) distribution for the modelling of the logarithm of electricity spot prices. The authors also highlighted the importance of correctly modelling the structure of dependence between wind intensity and the price of electricity. To this end, they replaced the small jumps of the NIG process by a Brownian term. The main purpose of this contribution was to use climate derivatives to cope with losses due to the decrease in wind intensity or price of electricity. Benth et al. also aimed to provide closed formulas for pricing wind derivatives. Our work focuses on the generalisation of the aforementioned work in several directions. We first estimated numerically the income of a wind farm through the model described below and compared it with the empirical income (this type of analysis is not present in the mentioned work). Furthermore, we considered a dataset on an hourly basis. This aspect enables the collation of hourly estimates of the expected income over a given horizon. We have also verified that the income estimate is significantly different if we disregarded the dependence between the two main variables, namely, the price of electricity and wind intensity. In fact, if these two variables are modelled independently, the estimate of the expected income is also altered. Given that determining the income of a wind farm is essential to correctly model the wind intensity and the price of electricity, we briefly listed the main models traceable in the recent literature in comparison with the models applied in this contribution. For these variables, the bibliographic references are notably complete. Concerning the wind speed model, we used the Box-Cox transformation of the wind speed data, where the optimal exponent is determined such that the transformed values are close to a Gaussian distribution (Nowotarski & Weron, 2018; Uniejewski, Weron, & Ziel, 2019). A power transformation was applied by Sim, Maass, and Lind (2019) with the same purpose. The problem is that the wind speed lacks a Gaussian distribution but is typically presented as a Weibull distribution, as widely described in the literature (Chang, 2011). Furthermore, the distribution of wind speed has high tails, indicating that rare events are more frequent than those contemplated by a Gaussian distribution (D'Amico, Petroni, & Prattico, 2015; Van Kuik & Peinke, 2016). Then, we applied a combination of trigonometric functions after the Box-Cox transformation to consider the seasonality of the data. Finally, we deseasonalised the data and applied an autoregressive AR (n) process to cope with residual autocorrelation. Next, energy production can be deduced from wind speed by considering the power curve that characterises the wind turbine. This model permits the replication of the statistical be...