This paper studies a one-sector optimal growth model with i.i.d. productivity shocks that are allowed to be unbounded. The utility function is assumed to be non-negative and unbounded from above. The novel feature in our framework is that the agent has risk sensitive preferences in sense of Hansen and Sargent (1995). Under mild assumptions imposed on the productivity and utility functions we prove that the maximal discounted non-expected utility in the infinite time horizon satisfies the optimality equation and the agent possesses a stationary optimal policy. A new point used in our analysis is an inequality for the so-called associated random variables. We also establish the Euler equation that incorporates the solution to the optimality equation.Keywords. stochastic growth model, entropic risk measure, unbounded utility, unbounded shocks.onward. Here, E t stands for the expectation operator with respect to period t information. The parameter γ affects consumer's attitude towards risk in future utility. The form of preferences in (1) is due to Hansen and Sargent (1995), who used them to deal with a linear quadratic Gaussian control model. The preferences defined in (1) has several advantages. First of all, they are not time-additive in future utility. Time-additivity, however, requires an agent to be risk neutral in future utility. Risk sensitive preferences, on the other hand, allow the agent to be risk averse in future utility in addition to being risk averse in future consumption. This fact results in partial separation between risk aversion and elasticity of intertemporal substitution. 1 Moreover, as argued by ? risk sensitive preferences are also attractive, because they can be used to model preferences for robustness. It is worth emphasising that risk sensitive preferences of form (1) have found several applications, for instance, in the problems dealing with Pareto optimal allocations (see Anderson (2005)) or small noise expansions (see Anderson et al. (2012)).Our main results are two-fold. First we establish the optimality equation for the nonexpected utility in the infinite time horizon, when the agent has risk sensitive preferences (1). The proof as in the standard expected utility case is based on the Banach contraction principle, see Stokey et al. (1989). However, in oder to show that the dynamic programming operator maps a space of certain functions into itself, we have to confine our consideration to concave, non-decreasing and non-negative functions that are bounded in the weighted supremum norm. A novel feature in this analysis is an application of some inequality for the so-called associated random variables. This inequality also plays a crucial role in proving that the a fixed point of dynamic programming operator is indeed the value function. Moreover, it naturally fits into our model, in which the production and utility functions satisfy some mild conditions such as monotonicity and concavity. Here, we would like to emphasise that similarly as in Kamihigashi (2007), we do not assume the Inada...