We consider a stochastic functional delay differential equation, namely an equation whose evolution depends on its past history as well as on its present state, driven by a pure diffusive component plus a pure jump Poisson compensated measure. We lift the problem in the infinite dimensional space of square integrable Lebesgue functions in order to show that its solution is an L 2 −valued Markov process whose uniqueness can be shown under standard assumptions of locally Lipschitzianity and linear growth for the coefficients. Coupling the aforementioned equation with a standard backward differential equation, and deriving some ad hoc results concerning the Malliavin derivative for systems with memory, we are able to derive a non-linear Feynman-Kac representation theorem under mild assumptions of differentiability.Remark 1.1. In what follows we will only consider the 1−dimensional case, the case of a R d −valued stochastic process, perturbed by a general R m − dimensional Wiener process and a R n −dimensional Poisson random measure, with d > 1, m > 1 and n > 1, can be easily obtained from the present one.In order to take into account the delay component, we study the equation (1.2) in the Delfour-Mitter space defined as follows M 2 := L 2 ([−r, 0]; R) × R, endowed with the scalar product (X t , X(t)), (Y t , Y (t)) M2 = X t , Y t L 2 + X(t) · Y (t) ,