Recently, because of the many environmental problems worldwide, Korea is moving to increase its renewable energy output due to the Renewable 3020 Policy. Renewable energy output can change depending on environmental factors. It is for this reason that institutions should consider the instability of renewables when linked to the electric system. This paper describes the methodology of renewable energy capacity calculation based on probabilistic transient stability assessment. Probabilistic transient stability assessment consists of four algorithms: first, to create probabilistic scenarios based on the effective capacity history of renewable energy; second, to evaluate probabilistic transient stability based on transient stability index, interpolation-based transient stability index estimation, reduction-based transient stability index calculation, etc.; third, to implement multiple scenarios to calculate renewable energy capacity using probabilistic evaluation index; and finally, to create a probabilistic transient stability assessment simulator based on Python. This paper calculated renewable energy capacity based on large-scale power system to validate consistency of the proposed paper.