The striped snakehead Channa striata is a valuable food fish and has a high market value. The feeding and natural breeding grounds of this economically important fish species have been reduced due to increasing anthropogenic activities and habitat alterations in the Gangetic River system. The present study was undertaken to assess the feeding and reproductive biology of C. striata, which is widely distributed in India and many other Asian countries (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, China, etc.). A total of 400 fish specimens were collected from three sites on three different rivers in Uttar Pradesh, India. Feeding habits, feeding intensity, gonadosomatic index, fecundity, maturity stages based on macroscopic studies, and sex ratio were examined. C. striata was found to be a carnivorous species (dominantly piscivorous). The feeding intensity varied according to season and fish size, with a higher intensity being observed during pre-spawning and post-spawning seasons. The reproductive biology of the striped snakehead from the Gangetic River system demonstrated that the gamete maturation occurred during May to July. The fecundity of C. striata ranged from 3652 to 48,450 eggs. Fecundity was linearly correlated with body length, body weight, and ovarian weight. The average ratio of males to females was observed to be 1:3.2.