Like many native endemic desert freshwater fish species, the June Sucker (Chasmistes liorus) is currently listed as endangered. Implicit within the June Sucker recovery plan, is that spawning habitat restoration must result in natural recruitment. I used otolith microchemistry to establish natal origins of the potamodromous June Sucker endemic to Utah Lake, UT, USA, ultimately in order to evaluate whether tributary habitat restoration results in natural recruitment. My specific objectives included; 1) quantify and characterize the extent of chemical variation among the three main spawning tributaries; 2) determine the relationship between otolith microchemistry and tributary chemistry; and 3) develop and validate a classification model to identify stream origin. I quantified the molar ratios Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and Mg:Ca for water and otolith chemistry from the three main tributaries to Utah Lake, UT during the summer of 2013. accuracy; random forest model 91% accuracy), and was able to determine if the fish's origin is wild vs. hatchery with 100% accuracy. The use of classification trees and random forest for classification analyses may provide a more powerful method for classification in studies using otolith microchemistry. Overall, this study will aid in evaluating the effectiveness of restoration, track progress toward recovery, help prioritize future restoration plans for the June Sucker in Utah Lake, and can be applied to other imperiled system with species of conservation concern.(59