Bovine myelin proteolipid apoprotein (PLA), obtained in high yield and purity by a novel ultrafiltration procedure, has been used to study the perturbations produced by this protein on phosphatidylcholine bilayers, using infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and fluorescence polarisation. PLA interacts with phospholipids in a similar manner to other intrinsic proteins. For bilayers in the fluid state, the fatty-acyl chain static order, as measured by deuterium NMR, is slightly increased in the presence of the protein, except at very high PLA concentrations. Phosphorus NMR reveals some perturbation of the phospholipid polar group by PLA, but to a smaller degree than occurs with other intrinsic proteins. An increase in static order above t , (the onset temperature for gel-to-fluid transition) is also detected by infrared spectroscopy. Studies using steady-state polarisation of diphenylhexatriene fluorescence indicate that the microviscosity of the bilayer increases as a function of the protein mole fraction. From these data an estimation of the average number of lipids perturbed per protein monomer has been made, and a figure of 37 phospholipid molecules determined. The data are compatible with a picture of a hydrophobic polypeptide, perturbing the phospholipids close to it, but allowing rapid (> lo4 s-') exchange with all the lipid molecules in the system.The interactions between phospholipids and intrinsic proteins in model and cell membranes have been the object of many studies in the past years [I-31. In general the preparation of suitable samples for such studies requires that phospholipid and protein be solubilised together, with the help of organic solvents or the use of detergents, upon removal of which the protein-containing bilayers from spontaneously in an aqueous medium [4, 51. The use of organic solvents is most convenient. Studies involving organic solvents have been carried out previously with the short peptide gramicidin A [5] and in earlier studies with the myelin proteolipid apoprotein (PLA) [6, 71. However, in general only very hydrophobic intrinsic proteins can be solubilised in this way without major loss of structural properties. PLA in particular has been extensively used in studies on lipid -protein interaction. PLA/ phospholipid/water systems have been explored at least from the point of view of ultrastructural [S, 91, calorimetric [9, 101 and spectroscopic [7, 3 1, 321 techniques. Recently a strongly documented deuteron nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study of this system has been published [13].In this paper we report our studies using a variety of physical techniques: infrared, deuteron NMR and fluorescence polarisation spectroscopy, in order to describe the efCovresponhce to F. M. Got%, Departamento de Bioquimica, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Apartado 644, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain A hbveviutions. M yr'GroPCho, 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine; PLA, proteolipid apoprotein; AVQ, deuterium quadrupole splitting; 6, half width at half height of a spectral line; P, fluore...