The conventional blasting rock excavation method is the main means of rock breakage because of its high productivity, and it is relatively inexpensive compared to other methods. However, it raises safety concerns and can negatively impact the environment. The major disturbances that may be induced by this method include flyrock, gas emissions, and vibrations. This review discusses some nonexplosive rock breakage methods, particularly the hydraulic splitter and expansive chemical agents, that can be employed instead of the conventional blasting method and analyzes their potential effectiveness in rock breakage. Hydraulic splitting machines and expansive chemical agents were studied in the context of the literature. This review showed that hard rock breaking can be executed effectively and safely using alternative methods, which have a wide range of advantages, including safe operation, ease of use, and environmental friendliness, over conventional explosive methods. Moreover, as modern nonexplosive methods, hydraulic splitting machines and expansive chemical agents can generate pressure of up to 43 and 30–44 MPa to induce stresses in rocks, respectively. Owing to safety and environmental restrictions on conventional blasting, the application scope of the modern methods can be increased in the future.