“…As it turns out, the t-channel contribution of figure 1 towards the leptoquark pair production at LHC becomes relevant only when the leptoquark interacts very strongly, i.e., with the couplings of order one, to the quarks of the first generation [55]. However, in this particular regime other processes such as a single leptoquark production [55][56][57][58], induced by the diagrams in panels (b) and (c) of figure 1, the Drell-Yan di-lepton production [59][60][61][62][63][64], and/or a resonant leptoquark production [65][66][67][68] might become equally capable of or even more important in constraining the leptoquark parameter space. Moreover, one also needs to take into account the experimental constraints from flavor physics, such as the Atomic Parity Violation ones, for a given l-q-LQ scenario to ensure its viability, especially within a large Yukawa coupling regime [69] space see ref.…”