A stopped flow Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer capable of monitoring reactions with half-times as short as 1 sec is described. By utilizing the Fourier difference spectroscopy technique described by Ernst, this spectrometer (1) can be used to detect the weak resonances of reacting species in the presence of a strong solvent resonance and (2) allows the signal averaging of transients obtained at the same time after mixing in successive transients. Various pulse sequences for obtaining stopped flow FT spectra are given and stopped flow FT nuclear magnetic resonance is used to measure the a-chymotrypsin hydrolysis of L-phenylalanine tert-butyl ester. The capabilities of stopped flow FT nuclear magnetic resonance are discussed in detail.The development of Fourier transform (FT) techniques in nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectroscopy has focused attention on the possibility of using nmr to follow time-dependent phenomena such as irreversible chemical reactions or chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarizat i~n . ' -~ Obviously, having the nmr spectrum of a reaction mixture including reactants, intermediates, and products a t several times during a reaction would provide a very powerful tool for elucidating reaction mechanisms. We have previously described the construction of a stopped flow nmr spectrometer and its use to study the acid-catalyzed dissociation of Ni(NH3)(H20)52+ I and conformational changes produced in Concanavalin A by the binding of Mn2+, Ca2+, and a-methy1-D-mannoside.2 Both of these reactions involved following a single resonance, thereby allowing the observation of reactions with very short half-times by sacrificing the requirement to observe the complete spectrum. W e have also used FT nmr methods to follow the relatively slow cleavage of cell wall tetrasaccharide by l y s o~y r n e .~ In the present paper we describe the application of stopped flow Fourier transform nmr techniques to the achymotrypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of the tert-butyl ester of p phenylalanine (PABE). Through this application we are able to assess the capabilities and limitations of stopped flow FT nmr. The success of this technique depends on overcoming two practical problems of FT nmr. First, under most reaction conditions, a strong solvent resonance will create dynamic range problems and will interfere with the observation of the much weaker resonances of the reacting species. This is especially true for biochemical reactions which are normally studied in water. Second, a lock system which is not affected by pushing and mixing is needed to allow averaging of transients. These two problems were simultaneously solved in the present application by using the Fourier transform difference spectroscopy technique described by Ernst6 The basis of this technique is that in the presence of one very strong resonance such as water, the free induction decay (FID) can be approximated by a single carrier frequency which is modulated by the difference frequencies between the strong resonance and each weak res...