Processing sugarbeet for sucrose production begins with an aqueous extraction. Besides sucrose, the extract also contains other water soluble root chemicals, which are viewed as undesirable " impurities" by the processor. Many impurities are removed or greatly diminished during processing, but some of those that remain reduce sucrose recovery, resulting in a loss of sugar to molasses. We investigated sugarbeet varietal differences in accumulation of several important impurities at harvest and after pile storage at three locations: Sidney MT, Worland WY, and Hereford TX. At each location a group of locally adapted varieties was used. Paired root samples were prepared at harvest. One of each pair immediately was analyzed for sucrose by polarimetry, and a portion of each sucrose filtrate was frozen for subsequent anal)'sis by HPLC for sugars and quality components (Na, K, amino N, betaine). The second sample of each pair, in an air-permeable bag, was placed into the factory storage pile for 110 d at Sidney, 90 d at Worland, or 56 d at Hereford, then recovered and analyzed similarly to unstored samples. Data were anal)'zed separately for each location. Analyses of the sugar components (sucrose, glucose, fructose, and raffinose) have been reported previously. Component concentrations were expressed in g per 100 g sucrose (g/ lOOS) as a relevant way to evaluate processing