This qualitative enzyme assay indicated that a considerable amount of chymotrypsin C, anodal trypsin, chymotrypsins A and B, elastase II, and cathodal trypsin were present in samples of nonactivated pancreatic juice from PM pigs. In contrast, the only active enzymes identified in pancreatic juice from CM pigs were very small amounts of chymotrypsin A and elastase II. The amounts of chymotrypsin C and cathodal trypsin were lower in activated than in nonactivated pancreatic juice from PM pigs. However, there were increases in the amounts of the other enzymes when pancreatic juice from PM pigs was activated. As expected, the activation of pancreatic juice from CM pigs resulted in the measurement of very high amounts of all the proteolytic enzymes. The amounts of anodal trypsin, chymotrypsins A and B, and elastase II were higher in activated pancreatic juice from CM pigs than from PM pigs.