The prebreakup arc at the inner edge of the auroral boundary is intensified upon arrival of an auroral streamer-the ionospheric signature of the earthbound mesoscale plasma flows (MPF). Yet the cause of electron precipitation enhancement only in this region remains unclear. We suggest that the intensified precipitation comes from the turbulent plasmasphere boundary layer (TPBL) that forms due to short circuiting of MPFs over the presubstorm plasmapause and overlaps with the plasma sheet (PS) inner boundary. Resonance interaction of the PS electrons with intense low-frequency plasma waves leads to enhanced precipitation from this narrow region. Indeed, the DMSP spacecraft observations near the substorm onset show intensified electron fluxes in a narrow region near the auroral boundary, which maps into the TPBL. The same pattern observed in conjunction with postonset auroral streamers points to the common mechanism, which is the short-circuiting process. Therefore, we suggest that the enhanced precipitation into the prebreakup arc is causally related to the MPFs' short circuiting over the plasmapause.We examine this problem using a concept of MPFs' short circuiting over the plasmapause (Mishin & Puhl-Quinn, 2007;Mishin et al., 2010Mishin, 2013) that explains the essential features of subauroral ion drifts (SAID). In this concept, low-ram pressure MPFs penetrate into the inner magnetosphe owing to the polarization field emerging at the forefront, as established in laboratory experiments (e.g., Brenning et al., 2005). This self-similar process breaks apart when the dense cold plasma at the presubstorm plasmapause shorts out the polarization charge. As a result, the MPF's (hot) electrons come to a halt hereby creating a steep, energy-independent PS/auroral boundary (cf. Newell & Meng, 1987), which is close to the prebreakup boundary owing to the steep density gradient at the plasmapause.The inflowing MPF's electrons pile up near the stopping point and create a narrow peak in the electron pressure, which creates the electron diamagnetic drift driving intense plasma turbulence (Mishin et al., 2010;Mishin & Sotnikov, 2017). Meanwhile, the MPF's ions move further inward until the nascent SAID electric field stops them. Thus, SAID inside of the plasmapause emerge just before the substorm breakup or pseudobreakup. Once created in the equatorial magnetosphere, the electric field propagates along the magnetic field into the ionosphere. That is, the plasmapause works as a power plant converting via short-circuiting the kinetic energy of MPFs into subauroral electromagnetic energy (Streltsov & Mishin, 2018).Most important for the purpose of this paper is that intense plasma waves develop in a narrow boundary layer (TPBL) enclosing the plasmapause around the MPF's stopping point (Mishin et al., 2010;Mishin, 2013). The TPBL overlaps with the PS inner edge, thence resonance wave-particle interactions cause enhanced precipitation into the prebreakup arc. This assumption is investigated in the rest of this paper using selected DMSP