In recent decades, Malaysia has become one of the world’s most urbanized nations, causing severe flash flooding. Urbanization should meet the population’s needs by increasing the development of paved areas, which has significantly changed the catchment’s hydrological and hydraulic characteristics. Therefore, the frequency of flash flooding in Malaysia’s urban areas has grown year after year. Numerous techniques have been used, including the statistical approach, modeling, and storm design methods, in flood simulation. This research integrated hydrology and hydraulic models to simulate the urban flood events in the Aur River catchment. The primary objective is to determine water level and forecast peak flow based on hydrological assessment in the drainage system using XPSWMM software. The rainfall data for 60 min was used for this study in the hydrological analysis by obtaining an intensity-duration-frequency curve and peak flow value (Q peak). XPSWMM is used to simulate the response of a catchment to rainfall events in which runoff, water depth profile, and outflow hydrograph are obtained. Peak runoff is also obtained from the modified rational method for validation purposes. The proposed method was verified by comparing the result with the standard method. This is essential to identify flash flooding, which can lead to efficient flood mitigation planning and management in the urban catchment. The increase in residential areas results in the alteration of time of concentration, water quantity, and flow rate. Thus, to mitigate present and future problems, the effects of urbanization on water resources and flood should be analyzed.