The war unleashed following the Russian invasion of the Ukrainian territory has provided an avalanche of information regarding military and strategic events, information which has conditioned policy making as well as the development of the current world order. Like any armed conflict, war not only takes place in the trenches and on the battlefields, but the weaponization of elements of disinformation and propaganda towards the general population and nation states can influence the outcome of the conflict as well. These elements might become powerful weapons that partly condition future events. This field study and research, carried out across Ukrainian territory, explores the perception by the Ukrainian people of information manipulation, taking into consideration different population groups. It should be noted that Ukrainians suffer from a constant and daily misinformation bombardment that seeks to undermine the morale of its people, yet elements of resilience in the form of a ‘strong and clear criterion’ regarding balance and imbalance of forces can still be found. As a result, this research examines the fundamental sources used by the Ukrainian population to obtain information, the use and reception of informative propaganda via social media, its critical analysis, the participation and interaction of the population in today’s global communication spaces, and finally, the level of credibility of both foreign and national media in depth. The themes discussed were explored via qualitative research during a series of oral interviews conducted with subjects directly related with the defence of the country, women, and higher education professionals. Our conclusions highlight the challenges that disinformation poses upon the Ukrainian population and its national and international organizations in the fight against information manipulation.