Fifteen low-temperature conditional division mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 were isolated. They grew normally at 390C but formed filaments at 300C. All exhibited a coordinated burst of cell division when the filaments were shifted to the permissive temperature (390C). None of the various agents that stimulate cell division in other mutant systems (salt, sucrose, ethanol, and chloramphenicol) was very effective in restoring colony-forming ability at 250C or in stimulating cell division in broth. One of these mutants, strain JS10, was found to have an altered cell envelope as evidenced by increased sensitivity to deoxycholate and antibiotics, as well as leakage of ribonuclease I, a periplasmic enzyme. This mutant had normal rates of DNA synthesis, RNA synthesis, and phospholipid synthesis at both the nonpermissive and permissive temperatures. However, strain JS10 required new protein synthesis in the apparent absence of new RNA synthesis for division of filaments at the permissive temperature. The division lesion in strain JS10 is cotransducible with maU, aroB, and glpD and maps within min 72 to 75 on the E. coli chromosome. ily applicable to "cold-sensitive mutants" (36). Thus, it seemed possible that the isolation and characterization of low-temperature conditional cell division mutants might reveal new and different loci involved in the cell division process. This paper descibes the physiology and genetic lesion in a UV-induced "cold-sensitive" mutant of E. coli K-12. MATERIALS AND MEIODS Bacterial strains. The bacterial strains and their genotypes are listed in Table 1. Genetic designations, map positions of amino acids, sugars, and antibiotics are in accordance with the revised linkage map of Bachmann et al. (4). Bacteriophage Plvir was part of the alive strain kit obtained from Cold Sprmg Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. Strains JS20, JS101, and JS21 are maLA derivatives of strains x462, JS10, and LW3, repectively. The malA lesion was introduced into these three strains by 2-aminopurine mutagenesis (24) and subsequent selection of Mal7 colonies on MacConkey agar supplemented with 0.2% maltose. The glpD lesion was introduced into a X462 malA strain in an analagous fashion. Media. Dix and Helmatetter minimal medium (5) and Luria (L) broth (19) were used for isolation, enrichment, and subsequent experiments involving the low-temperature conditional cell division mutants.