The [PSI ؉ ] prion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a self-propagating amyloid form of Sup35p, a subunit of the translation termination factor. Using solid-state NMR we have examined the structure of amyloid fibrils formed in vitro from purified recombinant Sup35 1-253 , consisting of the glutamine-and asparagine-rich Nterminal 123-residue prion domain (N) and the adjacent 130-residue highly charged M domain. Measurements of magnetic dipole-dipole couplings among 13 C nuclei in a series of Sup35NM fibril samples, 13 C-labeled at backbone carbonyl sites of Tyr, Leu, or Phe residues or at side-chain methyl sites of Ala residues, indicate intermolecular 13 C-13 C distances of Ϸ0.5 nm for nearly all sites in the N domain. Certain sites in the M domain also exhibit intermolecular distances of Ϸ0.5 nm. These results indicate that an in-register parallel -sheet structure underlies the [PSI ؉ ] prion phenomenon. The Sup35p prion domain (Sup35N, residues 1-123) is asparagine-and glutamine-rich, is poor in charged residues, and has five imperfect nine-residue repeats with consensus YQQYN-PQGG. Sequence shuffling shows that the repeats are not necessary for prion generation or propagation and that amino acid content of the prion domain (not the sequence) determines whether a protein can form a prion (13). Certain point mutations in the prion domain can block propagation of [PSI ϩ ] introduced with the wild sequence (14, 15), although the mutant sequence may itself form a prion (16). Thus, propagation of an existing prion is very sequence-specific, as in the species barriers of mammalian prion diseases (reviewed in ref. 17).Amyloid fibrils are filamentous protein aggregates exhibiting ''cross-'' x-ray fiber diffraction patterns, indicating the presence of -sheets formed by -strands that are oriented approximately perpendicular to the fiber axis, with interstrand hydrogen bonds approximately parallel to the fiber axis (reviewed in ref. 18). The fact that the prion domains of Ure2p (another yeast prion protein with an N-terminal prion domain rich in asparagine and glutamine) and Sup35p can be shuffled and yet still form prions and amyloid (13,19) suggests that the amyloid on which these prions are based has an in-register parallel -sheet structure (20, 21). A prion amyloid structure based on antiparallel -sheets or -helices would necessarily be stabilized by interactions among specific sets of unlike residues. These interactions would likely be destroyed by shuffling the sequence. In contrast, an in-register parallel -sheet structure can be stabilized by intermolecular hydrophobic interactions (22,23) or polar side chain interactions [e.g., the ''polar zipper'' interactions suggested by Perutz et al. (24)] among like residues. Shuffling the sequence would still allow like residues to align and interact in such a structure. Thus, shuffleability of a prion domain suggests an in-register parallel -sheet structure.The molecular structures of amyloid fibrils, particularly those formed by bona fide proteins, are difficult t...