Twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) near the magic twist angle of ∼1.1°exhibits a rich phase diagram.However, the interplay between different phases and their dependence on twist angle is still elusive.Here, we explore the stability of various TBG phases and demonstrate that superconductivity near filling of two electrons per moiré unit cell alongside Fermi surface reconstructions, as well as entropydriven high-temperature phase transitions and linear-in-T resistance occur over a range of twist angles which extends far beyond those exhibiting correlated insulating phases. In the vicinity of the magic angle, we also find a metallic phase that displays a hysteretic anomalous Hall effect and incipient Chern insulating behaviour. Such a metallic phase can be rationalized in terms of the interplay between interaction-driven deformations of TBG bands leading to Berry curvature redistribution and Fermi surface reconstruction. Our results provide an extensive perspective on the hierarchy of correlated phases in TBG as classified by their robustness against deviations from the magic angle or, equivalently, their electronic interaction requirements. TBG is a highly tunable platform for exploring the effects of strong electronic interactions and topological bands [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] . At the magic angle, i.e., when the strength of the interactions among electrons is maximized relative to their kinetic energy, pronounced signatures of correlated phases emerge 1,2,10 . Away from the magic angle, the effective interaction strength is reduced and the correlated phases are believed to disappear rapidly. However, despite the strong impact of the twist angle on the phase diagram of nearly-magic TBG, this dependence is still experimentally under-explored. Here we report systematic measurements on multiple devices covering a wide range of twist angles between 0.79°and 1.23°(see Supplementary Table I for an overview) and examine the overall impact of twist angle, and thus strength of interactions, on the phase