A new measurement of the parity violating asymmetry in elastic electron scattering on hydrogen at backward angles and at a four momentum transfer of Q 2 ¼ 0:22 ðGeV=cÞ 2 is reported here. The measured asymmetry is A LR ¼ ðÀ17:23 AE 0:82 stat AE 0:89 syst Þ Â 10 À6 . The standard model prediction assuming no strangeness is A 0 ¼ ðÀ15:87 AE 1:22Þ Â 10 À6 . In combination with previous results from measurements at forward angles, it is possible to disentangle for the first time the strange form factors at this momentum transfer, G s E ¼ 0:050 AE 0:038 AE 0:019 and G s M ¼ À0:14 AE 0:11 AE 0:11. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.151803 PACS numbers: 13.40.Gp, 11.30.Er, 12.15.Ày, 14.20.Dh Sea quarks are an important ingredient to describe nucleon properties in terms of fundamental QCD degrees of freedom. Strange quark-antiquark pairs might play a relevant role and affect, e.g., the electromagnetic properties of the nucleon. The contribution of strange quarks to the charge radius and magnetic moment in the nucleon ground state is of specific interest since this is a pure sea quark effect. The strange quark contribution to the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon can be expressed in terms of the strange electric and magnetic form factors G s E and G s M . There are various theoretical approaches for estimating the strange form factors [1,2], such as quark soliton models [3][4][5], chiral quark models [6], quenched lattice calculations [7], or two-component models [8]. Parity violating electron scattering provides a direct experimental approach [9][10][11].A measurement of parity violation necessarily involves a weak interaction probe of the nucleon. This provides additional information allowing a measurement of G s E and G s M . Within the standard model of electroweak interaction, it is known that electromagnetic and weak currents are related. Assuming isospin symmetry, the weak vector form factors G p E;M of the proton, describing the vector coupling to the Z 0 boson, can be expressed in terms of the electromagnetic nucleon form factors G p;n E;M and the strange form factors G s E;M . The interference between tree level electromagnetic and weak amplitudes leads to a parity violating asymmetry in the elastic scattering cross section of left-and righthanded electrons (LR) L , R :This asymmetry can be written as a sum of three terms, A LR ¼ A V þ A S þ A A . A V represents the vector coupling on the proton vertex without strangeness contribution, A S contains the strange quark vector contribution, and A A represents the axial coupling to the proton vertex [11]: PRL 102, 151803 (2009)