A novel mechanism of H 0 and strangelet production in hadronic interactions within the Gribov-Regge approach is presented. In contrast to traditional distillation approaches, here the production of multiple (strange) quark bags does not require large baryon densities or a QGP. The production cross section increases with center of mass energy. Rapidity and transverse momentum distributions of the H 0 are predicted for pp collisions at E lab = 160 AGeV and √ s = 200 GeV. The predicted total H 0 multiplicities are of order of the Ω − yield and can be accessed by the NA49 and the STAR experiments.The existence or non-existence of multi-quark bags, e.g. strangelets and (strange) di-baryons is one of the great open problems of intermediate and high energy physics. Early theoretical models based on SU(3) and SU(6) symmetries [1,2] and on Regge theory [3,4] suggest that di-baryons should exist. More recently, QCDinspired models predict di-baryons with strangeness S = 0, -1, and -2. The invariant masses range between 2000 and 3000 MeV [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]. Unfortunately, masses and widths of the expected 6-quark states differ considerably for these models. However, most QCD-inspired models predict di-baryons and none seems to forbid them.Especially the search for a stable H-particle is closely related to the study of Ξ and ΛΛ hypernuclei (for very recent data on double Λ hypernuclei see [13,14]). From observations on double Λ hypernuclei, a mass of m H > 2m ΛΛ −28 MeV is expected, while Jaffe estimated a binding energy of ≈ −80 MeV. The H is a six quark state (uuddss) coupled to an SU(3) singlet in color and flavor. Since its mass is smaller than 2m Λ it is stable against strong decays. However, this object with baryon number two is not an ordinary nuclear state: the multi-quark cluster contained in the H is deconfined. Thus, the H is the smallest strangelet or might even be seen as a small droplet of Quark-Gluon-Plasma. While on the hadronic side, hypernuclei are known to exist already for a long time, e.g. double Λ hypernuclear events have been reported [13][14][15], no stringent observation of the H-particle exists. Even today, decades after the first prediction of the S = −2 H-di-baryon by Jaffe [5] the question of its existence is still open.A major uncertainty for the detection of such speculative states is their (meta)stability. Metastable exotic multihypernuclear objects (MEMOs), for example, consists of nucleons, Λ's, and Ξ and are stabilized due to Pauli's principle, blocking the decay of the hyperons into nucleons. Only few investigations about the weak decay of di-baryons exist so far (see [12] for a full discussion and new estimates for the weak nonleptonic decays of strange di-baryons): In [16], the H-di-baryon was found to decay dominantly by H → Σ − + p for moderate binding energies. While the (ΛΛ) bound state, which has exactly the same quantum numbers as the H-di-baryon, was studied in [17]. Here, the main non-mesonic channel was found to be (ΛΛ) → Λ + n. If the life time of the (ΛΛ) correlation ...