We consider the chemical freeze-out of Ξ, Ξ and φ multistrange hadrons within a Statistical Hadronization Model inspired approach. We study particle yields across a wide range of reaction energy and centrality from NA49 at SPS and STAR at RHIC experiments. We constrain the physical conditions present in the fireball source of strange hadrons, and anticipate results expected at LHC.PACS numbers: 24.10. Pa, 12.38.Mh, 13.60.Rj Introduction: We study multistrange hadron production in the context of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) formation in relativistic heavy ion collisions [1]. Given the relatively small reaction cross sections of multistrange hadrons in hadron matter, the observed yields of Ξ(qss), Ξ, Ω(sss), Ω, φ(ss) [2][3][4][5][6][7] are considered probes of the earliest stage of the QGP-fireball hadronization.The yields of these particles have been considered previously within a global approach, see e.g. [8]. Here we show that it is possible to analyze multistrange hadron yields alone. When this is done we find that multistrange and non-strange hadrons share the same freeze-out condition. We will discuss the meaning of this discovery below addressing dynamics of hadronization. We also address the forthcoming LHC effort to measure multistrange hadron yields in high multiplicity pp [9], and soon after, in A+A reactions.QGP hadronic particle production yields are usually considered within the statistical hadronization model (SHM) [10][11][12]. SHM has been successful in describing (strange) hadron production in heavy ion collisions for different colliding systems and energies. These results showing successful global fits of particle yields in the SHM framework inspired us to study multistrange hadron yields alone in this separate analysis for the purpose of: i) establishing that SHM is appropriate for describing yields of these particles, ii) assessing if their yields are consistent with the established bulk matter properties of the QGP fireball, thus testing the single freeze-out hypothesis for particles with large and small hadron reaction cross sections, and iii) understanding better how the future LHC results may help arrive at a distinction between SHM model approaches.SHM Models: We begin by introducing the three principal SHM approaches: a) Taking the view that SHM has a limited theoretical foundation, one can seek simplicity in an effort to obtain a qualitative description of the yields for all hadrons with just a small number of parameters. An additional attraction is that this assumption leads to a model with chemical equilibrium hadron yields is explored. The main result of this approach is that the hadronization in high energy heavy ion collisions at RHIC requires T ≥ 175 MeV, and this high value is close to the lattice crossover temperature, between deconfined and hadron phase [13,14]. b) In order to arrive at a precise description of the