The liquid drop model of 2-flavored (u and d) nucleus is well known and successful, analogically, a similar drop model for 3-flavored (u, d and s) nucleus is developed. A 3-flavored nucleus conjectured could be stable only if its baryon number is larger than a critical one, A c , in which strangeons are the constituent as an analogy of nucleons for nucleus [1]. We try to model strangeon matter in a sense of phenomenological liquid drop, with two free parameters: the mass per baryon of a strangeon in vacuum, M, and potential depth between strangeons, ϵ. It is found that, for M ∼ GeV and ϵ ∼ 100 MeV, strangeon matter could be stable and its critical number could be as low as A c = 300.
KEYWORDS: pulsar: general, dense matter, equation of stateThe Witten's conjecture [2] about dense matter could be extended to a generalized version: strange matter in bulk could be absolutely stable, in which quarks are either free (for strange quark matter) or localized (for strangeon matter) [1,3]. A strangeon may contain equal numbers of u, d and s quarks, and its number of quarks inside could be 6, 9, 12, 18 or even more. The interaction between strangeons could be similar to that between nucleons (i.e., Lennard-Jones-like), and consequently, it might then be rational to have a description of strangeon matter based on this liquid drop scenario, a model that has already been certified for nucleus and is always introduced in standard text books.Strangeon matter, formerly known as solid quark matter [3], is conjectured when chiral symmetry is broken in the QCD phase-diagram. However, a quarkyonic phase is suggested when chiral symmetry is restored but quarks are confined [4]. The color interaction between quarks in the strangeon phase might be stronger than that inside quarkyonic matter, but the details yet remains unclear.
A Model of Strangeon MatterIn the conventional liquid drop model of nucleus, there are terms of volume, surface, Coulomb, and others [5],where A and Z are the baryon number and proton number of the nucleus; I = (N − Z)/A, represents the asymmetry of the nucleus; M p and M n are the mass of proton and neutron; b vol , k vol , b surf , k surf and r 0 are the parameters of the model. In analogy to the drop model of nucleus, a liquid drop model could be constructed for strangeon matter. The asymmetry energy, however, could be negligible due to three-flavor symmetry restoration, whereas the volume and surface terms remain, and the energy per baryon of a strangeon drop could