Semiconductor heteroepitaxy involves a wealth of qualitatively different, competing phenomena. Examples include threedimensional island formation, injection of dislocations, mixing between film and substrate atoms. Their relative importance depends on the specific growth conditions, giving rise to a very complex scenario. The need for an optimal control over heteroepitaxial films and/or nanostructures is widespread: semiconductor epitaxy by molecular beam epitaxy or chemical vapour deposition is nowadays exploited also in industrial environments. Simulation models can be precious in limiting the parameter space to be sampled while aiming at films/nanostructures with the desired properties. In order to be appealing (and useful) to an applied audience, such models must yield predictions directly comparable with experimental data. This implies matching typical time scales and sizes, while offering a satisfactory description of the main physical driving forces. It is the aim of the present review to show that continuum models of semiconductor heteroepitaxy evolved significantly, providing a promising tool (even a working tool, in some cases) to comply with the above requirements. Several examples, spanning from the nanometre to the micron scale, are illustrated. Current limitations and future research directions are also discussed.