Polite culture is an important aspect in shaping the character and positive behavior of students in elementary schools. The introduction of polite cultural values at an early age has a significant long-term impact in forming a harmonious and dignified society. In an effort to strengthen the polite culture among elementary school students at SD Negeri Tondo, students from the Islamic Elementary School Teacher Education (PGMI) from Datokarama State Islamic University Palu have initiated a community service program.
This study aims to increase understanding and awareness about the importance of polite culture for elementary school students at SD Negeri Tondo. Community service methods used include counseling, training, and interactive activities involving students, teachers, and the surrounding community. This service program lasted for two months involving two classes at the elementary school level. The results of this service program show an increase in students' understanding of polite cultural values. Students identify the importance of being polite, appreciative, and respecting others as an integral part of their lives. In addition, through active participation in interactive activities, students can also apply polite culture in various situations of daily life, both inside and outside the school environment. Not only students, this program also influences teachers' awareness of their important role in forming a polite culture in the school environment. Teachers realize that their actions and behavior set a direct example for students, and because of that, they are committed to being more exemplary in implementing a polite culture in the classroom and outside the classroom.
In addition, through collaboration with the surrounding community, this service program has also succeeded in creating a polite, safe and comfortable school environment for students and all members of the education community. Shared commitment in forming a polite culture creates a positive learning environment and supports the holistic development of students. Overall, this community service program succeeded in raising awareness about the importance of a polite culture for elementary school students at SD Negeri Tondo. By involving students, teachers and the community, messages about polite culture become more accepted and absorbed as an integral part of their lives. It is hoped that this program can become a starting point for further development of a polite culture in elementary schools and the wider community