Analysis of Microplastic Content in Fish Digestive Tracts at PPI Selili Samarinda, East Kalimantan. The aim is to determine the type of microplastic content in marine fish at PPI Selili Samarinda. The type of research is qualitative research with analytical descriptive methods. The samples used were flying fish (Decapterus spp.), milkfish (Chanos chanos), white tuna (Thunus sp.), red snapper (Lutjanus sanguineus), and white trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus). The indicators of microplastics used in this research are the results of identifying microplastics based on shape and size. The research results showed that the fish samples contained microplastic particles including fiber, fragments, film and monofilament, with the fiber type being the most dominant. In flying fish (Decapterus spp.) the size of microplastics ranges from 768.28µm - 1,175.85µm for fiber type, 421.85µm - 955.89µm for fragment type, 812.45µm- 1,102.79µm for film type, and 1,592.59µm for monofilament type. Milkfish (Chanos chanos) ranges from 686.89µm - 814.95µm for fiber type, 267.79µm - 814.46µm for fragment type, 296.25µm - 755.70µm for film type, and 1,310.46µm - 1,374.86µm for monofilament type. White tuna (Thunus sp.) ranges from 457.41µm - 1,149.24µm for fiber type, 305.04µm - 601.01µm for fragment type, 374.74µm for film type, and 1,175.66µm for monofilament type. Red snapper (Lutjanus sanguineus) ranges from 408.02µm - 642.05µm for fiber type, 714.9µm - 804, 47µm for fragment type, 514.01µm - 852.96µm for film type, and 639.88µm - 1,196.88µm for monofilament type. White pompano (Caranx sexfasciatus) ranges from 535.63µm - 671, 82µm for fiber type, 205.23µm - 764.04µm for fragment type, 761.73µm - 783.88µm for film type, and 617µm for monofilament type.
Analisis Kandungan Mikroplastik pada Saluran Pencernaan Ikan di PPI Selili Samarinda Kalimantan Timur. Bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis kandungan mikroplastik pada ikan laut di PPI Selili Samarinda. Jenis penelitiannya penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analitis. Sampel yang digunakan ikan layang (Decapterus spp.), ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos), ikan tongkol putih (Thunus sp.), ikan kakap merah (Lutjanus sanguineus), dan ikan kuwe putih (Caranx sexfasciatus). Indikator dari mikroplastik yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu hasil identifikasi mikroplastik berdasarkan bentuk dan ukuran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampel ikan mengandung partikel mikroplastik diantaranya berjenis fiber, fragmen, film dan monofilament, dengan jenis fiber yang paling mendominasi. Pada ikan layang (Decapterus spp.) ukuran mikroplastik berkisar 768,28µm - 1.175,85µm untuk jenis fiber, 421,85µm - 955, 89µm jenis fragment, 812,45µm- 1.102,79µm jenis film, dan 1.592,59µm jenis monofilament. Ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos) berkisar 686,89µm - 814,95µm jenis fiber, 267,79µm - 814,46µm jenis fragment, 296,25µm - 755,70µm jenis film, dan 1.310,46µm - 1.374,86µm jenis monofilament. Ikan tongkol putih (Thunus sp.) berkisar 457,41µm - 1.149,24µm jenis fiber, 305,04µm - 601, 01µm jenis fragment, 374,74µm jenis film, dan 1.175,66µm jenis monofilament. Ikan kakap merah (Lutjanus sanguineus) berkisar 408,02µm - 642,05µm jenis fiber, 714,9µm - 804, 47µm jenis fragment, 514,01µm - 852,96µm jenis film, dan 639,88µm - 1.196,88µm jenis monofilament. Ikan kuwe putih (Caranx sexfasciatus) berkisar 535,63µm - 671, 82µm jenis fiber, 205,23µm - 764,04µm jenis fragment, 761,73µm - 783,88µm jenis film, dan 617µm jenis monofilament.