Abstract.--This study aimed at revealing the roles of the Educational Hotels (Edotel) in developing the entrepreneurial competence and the factors affect the formation of entrepreneurship attitude of students of hospitality accommodation program at Vocational High School (VHS) in Yogyakarta. This research employed an explanatory model of mixed (quantitative and qualitative) approach of research method. For quantitative research the 155 year XII hospitality accommodation students were assigned as population. Furthermore, 18 students with the highest entrepreneurial scores were then selected for qualitative inquiry. Data were collected using test, questionnaire, and interview. Quantitative data were analyzed by percentage and qualitative data were analyzed using cyclical model of Miles and Huberman. The result shows that Edotel administered positive impacts on improving: (1) entrepreneurship knowledge of students, (2) student entrepreneurship attitudes which the strongest is leadership and responsibility, (3) for entrepreneurship skills, the strongest are conceptual skills and decision-making skills. The qualitative investigation found that family environment, social environment, personal ability, and student's industrial attachment experience are estimated affect on the formation of students entrepreneurship attitude.