Financial portfolio management is an organizational approach for managing a group of financial assets organized by a person, institution, or organization. It entails the dynamic allocation and reallocation of assets to accomplish specified financial goals whilst considering the risk tolerance and market environment. Diversification amongst several asset types, including stocks, bonds and alternative investments, is part of the process to maximize returns and reduce risk. Portfolio managers aim to optimize the performance and coordinate the portfolio with the organization's overall financial objectives through monitoring, analysis and modifications. Effective financial portfolio management is critical for attaining long-term financial stability and growth of the organization in a dynamic economic landscape. In this research, we investigate portfolio management by examining its primary objectives, fundamental requirements, investment approaches and procedural elements of economic management. It examines the abilities necessary for effective portfolio management, focusing on the principle of portfolio premises. The research further examines the various strategies for portfolio development, including the revenue portfolio, speculative portfolio, voluntary portfolio, protective portfolio and hybrid portfolio. By investigating these components, the study demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of portfolio management and provides an in-depth overview for analyzing investment strategies and financial decisions in the context of organization management.