The aim of the research was an all-encompassing assessment of the process of shaping the strategy
of a small enterprise (confectioner’s shop), conducting business activity on the local market. The verified
hypothesis is that the strategy of a small company is not always formalized, because strategic plans can
only be hidden „in the owner’s head”. The research is of a theoretical and empirical nature, including
a critical analysis of the data. An observation method, in-depth personal interview and questionnaire
research were applied. A SWOT and CSF (Critical Success Factor) analysis were carried out concerning
the examined enterprise and its competitors. The contemporary market realities determine the necessity
of the organization’s flexibility in achieving objectives as a part of creative and innovative strategies. The
researched company is in a stable phase of maturity, using the strategy of maintaining a strong position
on the local confectionery market. A conservative strategy based solely on increasing the range, not on
innovation, may be a symptom of depression. The company, using 30 years of experience, has developed
its own value system (organization’s DNA) in the form of principles, standards and views on business
issues that instinctively are implemented into the conducted economic activity.