Pregnancy is a stage of life, which gives new lives to individuals mother and her baby. This stage is very crucial for mother and her newborn just because of there and many factor to affect the life of the baby and causing the congenital abnormalities to the babies and among of all the factors there are factor called teratogens so, prevention of the teratogen is to be done and they are classified into to many types such as food, chemical, medicines etc. That’s why the spouses should’ve awareness about teratogens. Aim: To assess the knowledge regarding the teratogen among husband of the antenatal mother, and to find association between knowledge regarding teratogens among the husband of antenatal mother. Methodology To evaluate the knowledge of the husbands a quantitative research technique using a descriptive survey research design was used where 100 samples were taken which was utilized in study. Result: The results shows the significant association between knowledge score of husband of the antenatal mother with demographic variables. At p<0.03 level of significance. Variables such as education, religion, types of family. number of children, family income, profession and previous knowledge about the teratogen are having the higher value than the p value which is non- significant. Conclusion: The data was collected from the 100 sample through convenient questioner technique which shows there is no significant association found between knowledge score with selected background accept age.