Invasion of bacteria in to the male reproductive system associated with decrease sperm function, leading to impair fertilizing ability, the human body harbors trillions of microbes, and their influence on human health has been explored in many parts of the human body, there is a general agreement on the negative impact of some pathogenic bacterial species on semen parameters, including sperm counts, motility, morphology, and sperm Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) integrity. The Aim of this study was to evaluate the impacts of microbial infection on human sperm parameters and sperm functions. This work included 186 semen specimen from sub fertile men unselected couples consulting infertility clinic center. All semen samples examined bacteriologically, also semen and sperm quality, evaluated according to world Health organization guideline (WHO,2010).
from the 186 patients investigated for infertility, 65 (34.94%) of studied semen specimens were infected with bacteria of different species. The bacterial strains were identified as Enterococcus Fecails, staphylococcus haemolyticyus, Escherichia coli, Micrococcus lylae and Serratia Marcescens. Infected semen sub fertile men had negative impact on sperm quality (count, motility, sperm progressive, vitality and normality. Moreover, high Reactive oxygen species (ROS) with decrease sperm function which include Acrosin activity (A.A) and Hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOST) were noticed in infected sub fertile men in comparison to non-infected sub fertile men but non-significant.
Infected semen has negative impact on sperm parameters and sperm function this lead to impair fertilizing ability of human sperm.