IntroductionPolymer -phyllosilicate nanocomposites, which are characterized by the presence of fi llers that are less than 100 nm in at least one dimension, have been the subject of many reviews and reports during the past decade [1, 2] . The excellent balance between performance and fi ller content (2 -5% by weight of phyllosilicates is suffi cient to provide clear improvements in properties) makes these composites especially interesting as innovative materials for a variety of applications. Such improvements, which include high moduli, increased strength and heat resistance, and decreased gas permeability and fl ammability, can be ascribed to a fundamental feature of polymer nanocomposites, namely that the small size of the fi llers leads to a dramatic increase in interfacial area when compared to traditional composites [3] .Many studies have been initiated by considering conventional petrochemicalderived polymer matrices, such as polyolefi ns, polyamides, and polyesters. Typically, the preparation methods underwent intense examination, the aim being to correlate the structure and morphology of these new nanostructured materials with their ultimate properties.Today, the development of renewable polymeric materials with excellent properties forms the subject of active research interest worldwide [4] , with aliphatic polyesters being among the most promising materials for the production of high -performance, environment -friendly, biodegradable plastics [5] . The need to optimize their properties, in order that in time they can replace present -day commodities, requires the assessment of new, selective, effi cient, and sustainable preparation methods. Hence, a comparative review of the preparation methods for both commodities and renewable polyester -based materials should allow comparisons to be made of these two classes of material in terms of their potential and future opportunities.