Abstract. A parasitophorous vacuole protein of Plasmodium falciparum, p126, is a potential candidate for a malaria vaccine. Its N-terminal region, composed of six repeats of eight amino acids, appears to be involved in the induction of protective immunity against P. falciparum challenge in monkeys. This study evaluated the immune response to p126 and to its N-terminal region (Nt47) in patients (n ϭ 45) living in a malaria-endemic area of Brazil (Colina, Porto Velho, Rondonia). Cellular proliferative responses against Nt47 were low and infrequent. The study of the humoral immune response demonstrated that 95% of the patients had detectable anti-p126 antibodies and 77% had anti-Nt47 antibodies. Analysis of the antibody isotypes specific for Nt47 revealed that all four IgG subclasses were present and individuals with higher levels of anti-Nt47 cytophilic IgG antibody (IgG1 ϩ IgG3/IgG2 ϩ IgG4) had significantly lower parasitemia levels, suggesting that antibodies to the N-terminal region of the p126 protein may contribute to acquisition of immunity to P. falciparum malaria.The Plasmodium falciparum p126 antigen 1 is synthesized by the parasite between the 32nd and the 36th hr of a 42-hr erythrocytic cycle, then stored inside the parasitophorous vacuole. This antigen is processed into fragments of 50 and 73 kD, the latter one composed of two peptides of 47 and 18 kD linked by disulfide bridges. This processing is associated with the release of merozoites from mature schizonts. 2 The p126 protein, also known as serine-rich antigen 3 or serine-rich protein 4 based on the similarity of coding genes, ranks as a candidate antigen for inclusion in a subunit vaccine to control the asexual erythrocytic phase of P. falciparum malaria for the following reasons: 1) it is antigenically conserved among different strains of P. falciparum; 5 2) monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specific for p126 inhibit the in vitro growth of the parasite; 6-9 and 3) it can induce partial protection against parasite challenge in various species of monkeys. 1,3,[10][11][12] Moreover, the N-terminal portion (located at the amino-terminal end of the 47-kD subfragment) is involved in the induction of this protective immunity. 13,14 In view of these encouraging results, we focused on the six repeats of eight amino acids at the N-terminal end of the molecule 15 (Nt47) since this domain 1) includes a B and T cell epitope recognized by infected humans 16 (Roussilhon C, unpublished data); and 2) is the only one of the C-and Nterminal regions of the processed fragments of p126 that is able to induce an antibody response in mice immunized with respective peptides. 17 However, mice did not develop antibodies against this domain of the molecule when immunized with schizont-infected erythrocytes. 16 It is therefore of great value for vaccine design to determine the degree of immunogenicity of the Nt47 domain in humans living in a malaria-endemic area and naturally exposed to plasmodial antigens. In this respect, we investigated the immune response to Nt47 an...