Radish (Raphanus sativus L., 2n=2x=18) belonging to Brassicaceae family is a most reliable year-round vegetable crop grown worldwide for fleshy edible roots and soft leaves. Genus Raphanus is a Greek word which means ‘quickly appearing’ and representing to the quick germination and fast-growing nature of the plants. Radish is an ancient crop, most probably native to the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East where maximum diversity prevails. However, central China, central Asia and Hindustani center of origin appear to be secondary centers where differing forms were evolved during period of domestication. The ancient varieties were long and tapered rather than cylindrical, apically bulbous, elliptic or spherical. There are three independent domestication events for black Spanish radish, European cultivated forms and Asian cultivated radish. It has various category, broadly varying in leaf shape or leaf division incision (lyrate, sinuate, entire), root colour (white, red, purple), root shape (triangular, cylindrical, apically bulbous, elliptic), and vernalization requirement (temperate, tropical) [Singh 2021].