Formation of GaAs/AlGaAs constricted-channel field-effect transistor structures by focused Ga implantation and transport of electrons via focused ion beam induced localized statesMaskless sub-μ m patterning of silicon carbide using a focused ion beam in combination with wet chemical etching J.The authors use electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis to study the implantation of 50 keV Ga þ ions into electronic grade silicon, silicon oxide, silicon nitride, and silicon oxynitride typical of focused ion beam circuit editing work. The Ga þ dose naturally splits into low dose and high dose regimes with a transitional, median regime between the two. In the low dose regime (<10 16 cm À2 ), the amount of milled material is small ($10 nm) relative to typical layer thicknesses of circuits. A Gaussian implanting model with an implanting yield of $0.6 6 0.1, range of 43 6 9 nm, and straggle of 15 6 5 nm describe the data for all studied materials. The Ga atoms bind to the oxygen and nitrogen anions for oxides and nitrides, and silicon for elemental silicon. In the median regime (10 16 -10 17 cm À2 ), Ga accumulation and substrate defect formation alter a simple Gaussian model for Ga implantation although a steady state condition has not yet been reached. The high dose regime (>10 17 cm À2 ) entails a steady state condition where the implanted Ga assumes an error-function profile comprising a surface concentration as high as 50 at. % and a penetration depth of $60 nm. In the high dose regime, Ga implanted into nitride and oxide displays metallic valence (Ga 0 ) on the surface, gradually transitioning to nitride and oxide valence (Ga 3þ ) with depth.