Abstract. We study how small perturbations of a skew-symmetric matrix pencil may change its canonical form under congruence. This problem is also known as the stratification problem of skew-symmetric matrix pencil orbits and bundles. In other words, we investigate when the closure of the congruence orbit (or bundle) of a skew-symmetric matrix pencil contains the congruence orbit (or bundle) of another skew-symmetric matrix pencil. The developed theory relies on our main theorem stating that a skew-symmetric matrix pencil A − λB can be approximated by pencils strictly equivalent to a skew-symmetric matrix pencil C − λD if and only if A − λB can be approximated by pencils congruent to C − λD.Key words. skew-symmetric matrix pencil, stratification, canonical structure information, orbit, bundle AMS subject classifications. 15A21, 15A22, 65F15, 47A07 DOI. 10.1137/1409568411. Introduction. How canonical information changes under perturbations, e.g., the confluence and splitting of eigenvalues of a matrix pencil, are essential issues for understanding and predicting the behavior of the physical system described by the matrix pencil. In general, these problems are known to be ill-posed: small perturbations in the input data may lead to drastical changes in the answers. The ill-posedness stems from the fact that both the canonical forms and the associated reduction transformations are discontinuous functions of the entries of A − λB. Therefore it is important to get knowledge about the canonical forms (or canonical structure information) of the pencils that are close to A − λB. One way to investigate this problem is to construct the stratification (i.e., the closure hierarchy) of orbits and bundles of the pencils [17].The stratification of matrix pencils under strict equivalence transformations [16,17,18] as well as the stratification of controllability and observability pairs [19] are known. StratiGraph [21,24] is a software tool for computing and visualization of such stratifications. The stratification of full normal rank matrix polynomials has been studied [22] and implemented in StratiGraph too (available as a prototype now).Our objective is to stratify orbits and bundles of skew-symmetric matrix pencils, i.e., A − λB with A T = −A and B T = −B, under congruence transformations. Skew-symmetric matrix pencils appear in several applications, e.g., the design of a passive velocity field controller [23], multisymplectic partial differential equations [3], and systems with bi-Hamiltonial structure [27]. Structure preserving linearizations of skew-symmetric matrix polynomials [25] allow us to investigate differential algebraic systems of higher orders via skew-symmetric matrix pencils. Canonical forms of skew-symmetric matrix pencils [29,30] and the structured staircase algorithm [2,4]