Original scientific paper Studies on the evolution of paleo-channels in coastal areas are important for submarine engineering construction and to reveal changes in the global paleoenvironment. Thus, to explore the characteristics of paleo-channels during the late Last Glaciation in the western South Yellow Sea, digital terrain analysis method and ArcGis river extraction function were employed, high-resolution shallow stratigraphic seismic profiles and core data were analysed, and river empirical formulas were used to determine river properties and river patterns. Results indicate that the ancient river system during the late Last Glaciation of the South Yellow Sea shelf is divided into paleo-Yellow (Huanghe) and paleo-Yangtze (Changjiang) Rivers. The paleo-channels near 33°N belong to the paleo-Yangtze River, and generally flow from east to northeast. The paleo-channels around 35°N and 123,5°E are part of the paleo-Yellow River. Compared with the paleo-Yellow River, the paleo-Yangtze River is prone to horizontal migration and has higher penetration depths and discharge. Based on the slope-width method, the paleo-Yellow River system can be considered mainly as a meandering river, whereas the paleo-Yangtze River system is largely a braided river. Remarkable differences are found between the paleo-Yangtze River and the paleo-Yellow River. The characteristics of buried paleo-channels during the late Last Glaciation can be useful in predicting the incident potential hazard of submarine engineering and in revealing the paleoenvironment changes in the South Yellow Sea shelf.
Keywords: buried paleo-channels; paleo-Yellow River; paleo-Yangtze River; submarine engineering; western South Yellow Sea
Značajke podzemnih paleolitskih korita u zapadnom Južnom Žutom moru tijekom kasnog posljednjeg ledenog dobaIzvorni znanstveni članak Istraživanja o evoluciji paleolitskih korita u obalnim područjima važna su za konstrukcije podmorskog inženjerstva i za otkrivanje promjena u globalnom paleolitskom okruženju. Stoga je za istraživanje značajki paleo-korita tijekom kasnog posljednjeg ledenog doba u zapadnom Južnom Žutom moru primijenjena digitalna metoda analize terena i ArcGis funkcija porijekla rijeke, analizirani su plitki stratigrafski seizmički profili visoke rezolucije i osnovni podaci, a rabljene su empirijske formule rijeke za određivanje riječnih svojstava i struktura. Rezultati pokazuju da je drevni riječni sustav tijekom kasnog posljednjeg ledenog doba grebena Južnog Žutog mora podijeljen na paleo-Žutu (Huanghe) i paleo-Yangtze (Changjiang) rijeku. Paleo-korita blizu 33°N pripadaju paleo-Yangtze rijeci i uglavnom teku od istoka do sjeveroistoka. Paleo-korita oko 35°N i 123,5°E dio su paleo-Žute rijeke. U usporedbi s paleo-Žutom rijekom, paleo-Yangtze rijeka inklinira horizontalnom premiještanju, ima veću prodornu moć i veću količinu vode. Na temelju metode širine nagiba sustav paleo-Žute rijeke može se smatrati uglavnom krivudavim dok je sustav paleo-Yangtze rijeke uglavnom sustav račvaste (braided) rijeke. Pronađene su z...