It is aimed to outline Neotethyan ophiolitic units in SW Konya on the basis of new field and mineralogical studies. Late Cretaceous Çayırbağı Ophiolites and Hatip Ophiolitic Mélanges crop out in SW Konya, Turkey. The Hatip Ophiolitic Mélange obducted onto the Tauride carbonates (Lorasdagi F., Midostepe F.), contains various blocks, namely; limestone, radiolarian cherts, mudstone, harzburgite, gabbro, basalt, diabase, phyllite and talc-schist within sedimentary and sheared serpentinite matrix. The mélange also contains a metamorphic sole at the bottom, which includes amphibolite and amphibolebearing schists experienced a regional metamorphism in green-schist facies conditions. The mélange was obducted by Çayırbağı ophiolites, which is composed of serpentinized peridotite (harzburgite, lherzolite), carbonated serpentinites, silicified serpentinites, dunite, pyroxenite, hornblendite and banded gabbro, gabbro, with hydrothermal magnesite and chromite deposits. Accordingly, the ophiolitic units have a welldeveloped mantle section, but lack sheeted dyke complex, similar to Tauride ophiolites.