Areal variation of lithic character._-___-__-___ 64 Phosphoria formation.__________________________ 74 Lower chert member. _______________________ 74 Meade Peak phosphatic shale member.________ 74 Petrography-__________________________ 75 Areal variation of thickness-_____________ 82 Areal variation of lithic types-___________ 82 Vertical variation of lithic types-_________ 83 Correlation of beds within the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member-____-____-_-. 83 Stratigraphic relations__________________ 84 Rex chert member._________________________ 84 Lithic character._______________________ 84 Areal variation of thickness-__-_-_____--. 86 Areal and vertical variation of lithic character. _________________________________ 86 Stratigraphic relations.__.-__-____-_____-86 Retort phosphatic shale member.__-_____-_.__ 86 Lithic character._______________________ 87 Areal variation of thickness-_____________ Page TABLE 1. Location, name, lot number, and source of stratigraphic sections used in this report_______________________ 2. Lithologic constitution in percent and total thickness of rocks of the geosyncline and craton in western Wyoming and adjacent areas-__ _ _ _ _ _ _.________________ _ _ ________________________________________________ 3. Optical properties of several apatites from the Permian rooks of western Wyoming._____._________________ 4. Size parameters of phosphorites ____________________________________________________________________ ,",. Analysis of variance of Po()5 values of four sets of spheroidal phosphorites subdivided by maximum spheroid size__________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Distribution of minor minerals in rock cycle. ____________________________________________________ 7-11. Thickness and grade of phosphatic and uraniferous beds: 7. Used in calculations of phosphate reserves and uranium resources in the Gros Ventre Range, Wyo_____ 8. Of the Retort phosphatic shale tongue used in calculations of phosphate reserves and uranium resources in the Wind River Range, Wyo__-________--_________-__----_-__---_-___----______-___________ 9. Of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale tongue used in calculations of phosphate reserves and uranium resources in the Wind River Range, Wyo._____________________________________________________ 10. Used in calculations of phosphate reserves and uranium resources in the Big Hole, Teton, Snake River, and Caribou Ranges, Wyoming and Idaho___________________________________________________ 11. Used in calculations of phosphate reserves and uranium resources in the Hoback and Wyoming Ranges, Wyo________________ ______________________________________________________________ 12-19. Phosphate reserves: