During the last four decades ago, seventy foraminiferal species have been erected by the present author, which start at 1984 by one recent agglutinated foraminiferal species Clavulina pseudoparisensis from Qusseir-Marsa Alam stretch, Red Sea coast of Egypt. After that year tell now, one planktic foraminiferal species Plummerita haggagae was erected from Egypt (Misr), two new benthic foraminiferal genera Leroyia (with its 3 species) and Lenticuzonaria (2 species), and another 18 agglutinated species, 3 porcelaneous, 26 Lagenid and 18 Rotaliid species. All these species were recorded from Maastrichtian and/or Paleogene benthic foraminiferal species. Thirty nine species of them were erected originally from Egypt (about 58 %), 17 species from the United Arab Emirates, UAE (about 25 %), 8 specie from Pakistan (about 11 %), 2 species from Jordan, and 1 species from each of Tunisia, France, Spain and USA. More than one species have wide paleogeographic distribution around the Northern and Southern Tethys, i.e. Bathysiphon saidi (Egypt, UAE, Hungary), Clavulina pseudoparisensis (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Arabian Gulf), Miliammina kenawyi, Pseudoclavulina hamdani, P. hewaidyi, Saracenaria leroyi and Hemirobulina bassiounii (Egypt, UAE), Tritaxia kaminskii (Spain, UAE), Orthokarstenia nakkadyi (Egypt, Tunisia, France, Spain), Nonionella haquei (Egypt, Pakistan). Anan 1-5 suggested that the Egyptian and Pakistanian pelagic foraminiferal assemblage indicate an open connection to the Tethys and represents middle-outer neritic environment (100-200 m depth) and shows an affinity with Midway-Type Fauna (MTF). Seven out of the recorded species are believed here to be new: Orbulinelloides sztrakosae, Repmanina mazeni, Psammolingulina bahri, Tritaxia kaminskii, Pseudoclavulina futyani, Pseudoclavulina youssefi and Ammomassilina misrensis. The taxonomic consideration, phylogeny, stratigraphic values, paleoenvironment of these taxa are presented and discussed.