These events are re corded in very sim i lar strati graphic po si tions in the Lägerdorf-Kronsmoor succes sion (north ern Ger many) and in the suc ces sion of east ern Eng land and, at least some of them, in east ern Eu rope. Accord ingly they can serve as im por tant mark ers for strati graphic cor re la tion across Eu rope. The FOs of the plank tonic spe cies, Rugoglobigerina milamensis, R. hexacamerata and R. pennyi, in the up per most part of the "Inoceramus" redbirdensis Zone, are very close to the Campanian/Maastrichtian bound ary as de fined by inoceramid bi valves (Walaszczyk, 2004) and we pro pose these plank tonic foraminiferal bioevents as a good proxy for this bound ary in tem per ate re gions.