“…In the Marwat and Bhittani Ranges, Morris (1938) named the rocks of the Siwalik Group, in ascending order: Karghocha, Marwat, Sheri Ghasha, and Malagan Formations; he found the Karghocha, Marwat, and Sheri Ghasha to be younger than, but comparable lithologically (homotaxial) to, the Chinji, Nagri, and Dhok Pathan of the Potwar Plateau. Hemphill and Kidwai (1974) regard the names Karghocha, Marwat, and Sheri Ghasha to be synonyms of Chinji, Nagri, and Dhok Pathan. This follows the usage applied to homotaxial units that is recommended in Article 2, Remarks (a) of the code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature (American Commission, 1961, p. 649).…”