Plots of solute concentration against discharge have been used to relate stream hydrochemical variations to processes of¯ow generation, using data collected at four streams in the Catskill Mountains, New York, during the Episodic Response Project of the US Environmental Protection Agency. Results suggest that a two-component system of shallow and deep saturated subsurface¯ow, in which the two components respond simultaneously during hydrologic events, may be applicable to the study basins. Using a large natural sea-salt sodium input as a tracer for precipitation, it is argued that an additional distinction can be made between preevent and event water travelling along the shallow subsurface¯ow path. Pre-event water is thought to be displaced by in®ltrating event water, which becomes dominant on the falling limb of the hydrograph. Where, as appears to be the case for sulfate, a solute equilibrates rapidly within the soil, the pre-event±event water distinction is unimportant. However, for some solutes there are clear and consistent compositional dierences between water from the two sources, evident as a hysteresis loop in concentration±discharge plots. Nitrate and acidity, in particular, appear to be elevated in event water following percolation through the organic horizon. Consequently, the most acidic, high nitrate conditions during an episode generally occur after peak discharge. A simple conceptual model of episode runo generation is presented on the basis of these results.