The edit distance is a way of quantifying how similar two strings are to one another by counting the minimum number of character insertions, deletions, and substitutions required to transform one string into the other. A simple dynamic programming computes the edit distance between two strings of length n in O(n 2 ) time, and a more sophisticated algorithm runs in time O(n + t 2 ) when the edit distance is t [Landau, Myers and Schmidt, SICOMP 1998]. In pursuit of obtaining faster running time, the last couple of decades have seen a flurry of research on approximating edit distance, including polylogarithmic approximation in nearlinear time [Andoni, Krauthgamer and Onak, FOCS 2010], and a constant-factor approximation in subquadratic time [Chakrabarty, Das, Goldenberg, Koucký and Saks, FOCS 2018].We study sublinear-time algorithms for small edit distance, which was investigated extensively because of its numerous applications. Our main result is an algorithm for distinguishing whether the edit distance is at most t or at least t 2 (the quadratic gap problem) in timeÕ( n t + t 3 ). This time bound is sublinear roughly for all t in [ω(1), o(n 1/3 )], which was not known before. The best previous algorithms solve this problem in sublinear time only for t = ω(n 1/3 ) [Andoni and Onak, STOC 2009].Our algorithm is based on a new approach that adaptively switches between uniform sampling and reading contiguous blocks of the input strings. In contrast, all previous algorithms choose which coordinates to query non-adaptively. Moreover, it can be extended to solve the t vs t 2−ǫ gap problem in timeÕ( n t 1−ǫ + t 3 ).Previous Work Batu et al.'s algorithm distinguishes t = n α vs f (t) = Ω(n) in O(n max{2α−1,α/2} ) time for any fixed α > 1 [BEK + 03]. Their approach crucially depends on f (t) = Ω(n) and cannot distinguish between (say) n 0.1 and n 0.99 . The best sublinear-time algorithm known for gap edit distance, by Andoni and Onak [AO09], distinguishes between t = n α vs f (t) = n β for β > α in time O(n 2+α−2β+o(1) ). For the quadratic gap problem, i.e., β = 2α, this time bound is O(n 2−3α+o(1) ), which becomes worse as t gets smaller (as discussed earlier). For example, when t = n 1/4 , the known algorithm is not sublinear, whereas ours runs in timeÕ(n 3/4 ). Presence of repeated patterns make the gap edit distance problem significantly difficult to approximate. When no repetition is allowed, the state-of-the-art sublinear-time algorithms of [AN10] 1 Throughout, the tilde notationÕ(·) andω(·) hide factors that are polylogarithmic in n.