PALABRAS CLAVES: Compuestos volátiles -JamónIbérico -Microextracción en fase sólida -Sistema de alimentación -SPME -Tiempo de curación.
SUMMARYChanges in SPME-extracted volatile compounds from Iberian ham during ripening.A headspace SPME procedure was tested to study the evolution of volatile compounds during the ripening of Iberian hams from pigs reared in a Montanera system (outdoorbased, with acorn and pasture available) and a HO-Pienso system (indoor-based, with a high oleic acid concentrate). The effect of the ripening time on volatile compounds was more marked than the effect of feeding system. Most volatile compounds affected by the ripening time were compounds that come from Strecker and Maillard reactions, which increased significantly (p Ͻ 0.05) during the ripening time. This trend was clear for the volatile compounds 2-methylpropanal, 2-methylbutanal, 2-methy-l-butanol, disulfide dimethyl, 2,6-dimethylpyrazine ϩ dihidro-2(3H) furanone and benzenemethanol and, therefore they could be used as indicators of the ripening time. Conversely, some of the lipid oxidation-derived compounds decreased significantly throughout ham processing. Feeding system had a weak effect on volatile compounds, but it was significant for some compounds (p Ͻ 0.05). Some of them (butanoic acid, 2,6-dimethylpirazyne and 1-octen-3-ol) were more abundant in Montanera than in Pienso hams. These small differences could be important because they involve compounds that have been identified as Iberian ham odorants.