Supplementary Notes (i.e., report contains color photos, report contains appendix in non-print form, etc.) 12a. Distribution/Availability Statement (check one)Approved for public release; distribution unlimited Due to growing concerns for the health and safety of military and civilian personnel exposed to radiofrequency radiation (RFR), a series of research have been performed at the U.S. Army Medical Research Detachment, Microwave Bioeffects Branch at Brooks City-Base, Texas. The research has been concentrated on neurotoxic effects of high peak power but low average power RFR, Interaction between neurotoxin and RFR on manifestation of neurotoxic effects, effects of high power RFR on hippocampus, biological hazards of ultrawide-band (UWB) pulses on cardiovascular function and cell systems, cytotoxic effect of nanosecond high-intensity electric pulses, finite difference time domain techniques for RFR dosimetry, role of ambient temperature on manifestation of RFR induced biological effects, design fabrication and testing a circularly polarized 1.25 GHz waveguide exposure system, and formulate a research plan for body borne and helmet mounted antennas. Majority of results falls in "thermal" effect, albeit, the threshold was at lower magnitude than that previously envisioned. A model is devised to demonstrate the additive effect of RFR to thermal "stress" from ambient environment. On the other hand, some of the observed effects cannot be easily explained by the "thermal" mechanism. They were effects of UWB pulses and nanosecond high power electric pulses.14. Subject Terms (keywords previously assigned to proposal abstract or terms which apply to this award) high peak power pulsed microwaves, ultra-wide-band pulses, neural, Behavior, cardiovascular, cytotoxicity, neurotoxin, genotoxicity References 33Appendices 39
INTRODUCTIONThe following report summarizes the performance of McKesson BioServices Corporation (MBS) staff at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), U.S. Army Medical Research Detachment (USAMRD), Microwave Bioeffects Branch at Brooks City-Base, Texas under the contracts DAMD17-94-4069 and DAMD17-94-E-0001. MBS has nine years contract with the U.S. Army Medical Research and Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA) to operate and maintain Microwave Bioeffects Branch, a Government-owned Contractor-operated (GOCO) facility. Reports summarized the base three years (May 21, 1994 -May 20, 1997) (DTIC STINET ADA 351987, http://handle.dtic.mi 1/100.2/ADA351978\ the first option years (May 21, 1997 -May 20, 1999) (DTIC STINET AD A3 67478, http://handle.dfic.mi1/100.2/ADA367478;) and the second opfions years (May 21 1999 -May 20, 2001, DTIC STINET ADA392971, http://handle.dfic.mi1/100.2/ADA39297n were previously filed with the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, Maryland in June 1997, May 1999and May 2001. The present report covers the efforts of MBS staff during the third opfion years (May 21 2001 -May 20, 2003 and extensions (May 21, 2003 -May 31, 2004 of the aforementioned contrac...