The study is aimed at designing a system which ensures dock mobility (moving from the quay to the dock trench) and stabilises the dock in position during docking operations. A number of requirements and design criteria have been defined for the dock moving system, the most important of them being its capability to support docking operations at a maximum wind force of 5 °B, and environmental friendliness (zero exhaust fumes or other pollutants). As part of the research, concepts for various dock moving systems have been developed, including calculations of technical and operational parameters. Each concept has been analysed for meeting the defined requirements and design criteria. Ultimately, a system which meets all of the requirements and criteria and is completely environmentally friendly has been selected for construction. The authors discuss the entire process of creating system concepts, parameter calculations, and assessment of fulfilment of the requirements and design criteria. The principle of operation and the design of the system have been explained. The dock is powered by electricity stored in batteries and generated from renewable energy sources.