In this article the various methods of assessment of gas-thermal coating’s adhesion strength are considered. The methodology of carrying out the strength tests, using traditional methods of quantitative assessment of adhesive strength of a coating towards its basement, is reflected; the advantages and disadvantages of the represented methods are given. In the article, the theoretical justification of the mechanics of adhesive avulsion is given, and the imperfection of conic pins’ usage is shown. Aiming at increasing of the accuracy and quality of the strength tests of gas-thermal coatings, a modernised methodology, as well as the samples (а.с.1436025), related to detection of the adhesion strength, are suggested. The theoretical computation of the reasonableness of usage of ring cross section of the coating, resulted in the event of usage of the offered sample, is given. On the basis of theoretical computation, a defining formula of the adhesive strength is conducted. Comparison tests of adhesion strength with various sample’s designs are completed. The reasonableness and effectiveness of usage of the offered methodology in assessment of gas-thermal coating’s adhesion strength are proven.