4How neuronal variability impacts neuronal codes is a central question in systems neuroscience, often 5 with complex and model dependent answers. Most population models are parametric, with a tacitly 6 assumed structure of neuronal tuning and population-wide variability. While these models provide 7 key insights, they purposely divorce any mechanistic relationship between trial average and trial vari-8 able neuronal activity. By contrast, circuit based models produce activity with response statistics that 9 are reflection of the underlying circuit structure, and thus any relations between trial averaged and 10 trial variable activity are emergent rather than assumed. In this work, we study information transfer 11 in networks of spatially ordered spiking neuron models with strong excitatory and inhibitory interac-12 tions, capable of producing rich population-wide neuronal variability. Motivated by work in the visual 13 system we embed a columnar stimulus orientation map in the network and measure the population 14 estimation of an orientated input. We show that the spatial structure of feedforward and recurrent 15 connectivity are critical determinants for population code performance. In particular, when network 16 wiring supports stable firing rate activity then with a sufficiently large number of decoded neurons all 17 1 available stimulus information is transmitted. However, if the inhibitory projections place network ac-18 tivity in a pattern forming regime then the population-wide dynamics compromise information flow. 19 In total, network connectivity determines both the stimulus tuning as well as internally generated 20 population-wide fluctuations and thereby dictates population code performance in complicated ways 21 where modeling efforts provide essential understanding.
23A prominent feature of cortical response to sensory stimuli is that neuronal activity varies significantly 24 across presentation trials 1,2 , even when efforts are taken to control or account for variable animal 25 behavior 3-6 . A component of this variability is coordinated among neurons in a brain area, often 26 leading to shared fluctuations in spiking activity [7][8][9][10][11] . How stimulus processing is affected by this large, 27 population-wide neuronal variability is a longstanding question in both experimental and theoretical 28 neuroscience communities. 29 Recording from neuronal populations while simultaneously monitoring an animal's behavior dur-30 ing a structured task offers a glimpse into how neuronal activity supports computation. Correlations 31 between spike counts from pairs of neurons in response to repeated stimulus, often referred to as 32 noise correlations, are modulated by a variety of cognitive factors that are known to affect task perfor-33 mance 4 . For example, noise correlations decrease with animal arousal 12,13 or task engagement 14 . In 34 the visual pathway noise correlations are decreased when spatial attention is directed into the recep-35 tive field of a recorded population 15,16 ...